Location: No. 3 Lawrence Onuchukwu Drive, Mbora District, FCT, Abuja

Celebrating World Earth Day

Often overlooked women can boast of skills and great insight to the knowledge   relevant to climate change with their awareness of the local ecosystem agriculture sector and natural resources management which is highly beneficial to the economy, yet women are left out in the development/advancement of technology even though climate change goes on to affect women inordinately.

Feminist Majority Foundation writes, in accordance to the World Meteorological Organization, the world is currently five times as disaster-prone as it was in the 1970s, due to increased risks that have come on as a result of climate change. And countries known to be affected by the climate change can witness an economic impact, when this happens women bear the brunt of the consequences more that has been brought about to the planet by the destruction of humans leading to inequalities in areas like education and health care sector.

The climate research organization Project drawdown put out a new report stating that the empowerment of women and girls in developing countries ranked second among 76 solutions for curbing global warming to 2 degrees Celsius and estimates that girls’ education and family planning would reduce carbon by 85 gig tons by 2050.

It goes without saying that women would thrive in the energy sector doing what they do best; nurturing, as they would be in the forefront of providing clean energy and protecting the environment. Actions taken on climate change are unlikely to be successful without the full support and involvement of women.

In celebration of the world earth day we celebrate the women in the energy sector and urge more energy industries not to be gender neutral and encourage the employment of women.

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